Godot 4.4 & Intro to 3D

This week has been pretty relaxed, with not much game progress, but plenty of learning happening. Godot 4.4 has finally been released, and I was able to update the project without any issues. I did have to drop Jolt Physics as an add-on since it's now built into the editor in preview mode, but everything else migrated smoothly.
Unfortunately, Godot on macOS doesn't currently support the new in-editor play mode features, which was a bit of a bummer. Hopefully, we'll see that support in the near future without having to wait for a full release like 4.5.

Outside of Godot, I’ve spent most of the week away from the engine. I recently picked up a course by Keelan Jon, a 3D artist, to learn the basics of Blender and stylized character creation. So far, it’s been a great introduction, and I’m now in Chapter 8 of 12, learning about rigging. Up until this point, I’ve had a lot of fun, but I’ll admit—character rigging is really messing with my brain. I’m sure it’ll all click eventually, but right now, it’s not the most enjoyable experience. Once I finish this section, I think I’ll rewatch it and maybe dive deeper into the topic before moving on, just to make sure I fully grasp it. Rigging will be crucial for my own character creation later on in the game.
Here are a few screenshots of my progress in the course. It's still pretty simple stuff, but it’s been a lot of fun so far.

That’s all for this week—it's a bit of a shorter post than usual, but progress is being made! Until next time, cheers.