
The man, the myth, the legend.

Welcome, and thank you for taking an interest in me and my projects! This site serves as a personal blog and devlog where I share my journey through the world of game development. As I work on crafting new and exciting games, I’m balancing a full-time job, spending time with my family, and navigating the everyday challenges that life throws at me. My hope is that this passion project will grow over time and, who knows, maybe one day it’ll take off and even replace my current full-time job! In the meantime, I’m excited to share my progress, lessons learned, and all the ups and downs of this adventure with you. Thanks for following along!

Who am I?

My name is Matthew Janes, and I am happily married to the most amazing woman with whom I share a son. I work full-time as a Senior Electronic Technologist for the Department of National Defence, and I have a deep passion for video games, game development, staying active, and travelling.

I was born in a small town in rural Nova Scotia, Canada, where I grew up with two older brothers and wonderful parents. As a child, I was always drawn to the outdoors and sports, spending most of my time outside from sunrise to sunset.

In my early teen years, I developed a strong interest in computers. My game development journey began in 1999 when I became involved with a community known as the Daily Klik (I'm not sure if it’s still active). I immersed myself in learning pixel art and experimenting with ClickTeam's software. At the time, I focused primarily on artwork, creating graphics for a few Sony Ericsson cellphone games for a developer in the UK. I also collaborated with a gentleman named Simon, whom I met on the Daily Klik, to contribute art for various small computer games.

After graduating high school, I wasn’t entirely sure what I wanted to do with my life. I attended the University of Prince Edward Island, studying Business and Computer Science. However, I eventually dropped out, as I spent more time socializing than studying and lacked the drive and ambition I needed at that stage. I later switched to Holland College to study Photography and Digital Imaging after a friend from university sparked my interest in photography. I loved the program and thought it would be my future. Unfortunately, after my second year, funding ran out, and I had to drop out again to figure out my next steps.

Coming from a family with a strong military background—my father and brothers all served in the Air Force, and my grandparents were also in the service—I decided to apply for the Canadian Armed Forces. After a year of waiting due to a backlog, I was accepted and became an Aerospace Telecommunications and Information Systems Technician (ATIS Tech). I served for eight years, and while I didn’t enjoy every aspect of my military service, I’m grateful for the lessons it taught me. It gave me a new perspective on life and instilled a strong sense of ambition, work ethic, and the ability to handle stress with calmness and composure.

I later transitioned to the public service, working for the Department of National Defence in a civilian role. Literally just across the street to a building I've worked in before however now without the fancy pajamas, but the work was just as important. I thoroughly enjoy my current role and work with a fantastic team of people. However, my passion for becoming an independent game developer has never faded. This project is a reflection of that dream. While it may take longer now, given my family, work, and other commitments, I feel strongly about seeing it through.

People have had worse midlife crises, right?

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